This workshop provides a detailed analysis of this 2008 classic, including its language and social political context. Shot in present day Detroit, Michigan, a city in decline, this film explores
This workshop provides a detailed analysis of this 2008 classic, including its language and social political context. Shot in present day Detroit, Michigan, a city in decline, this film explores the changing nature of American society and the role of immigrants. Through carefully selected scenes as well as focused discussion, this workshop will help better to understand key symbols of American society like the flag, the gun, the car and the simple front lawn.
Der Workshop wird überwiegend auf Englisch durchgeführt.
Zielgruppe: Alle Schulformen
Einordnung gemäß Erlass über das Portfolio Medienbildungskompetenz:
- Medientheorie und Mediengesellschaft
- Didaktik und Methodik des Medieneinsatzes
Ort: Medienzentrum Darmstadt-Dieburg, Goethestr. 10-14, 64807 Dieburg
Referent: Dr. Julian Namé
Kompetenz: 1.1, 1.4
Den Anmeldelink für die Fortbildung finden Sie HIER
Mehr Informationen
Medienzentrum Darmstadt-Dieburg
Goethestraße 10–14 // 64807 Dieburg